

【筆文字】デザイン morokyu Cucumber with Miso もろきゅう

Morokyu is a cucumber eaten with moromi miso.The name "morokyu" comes from "moro" of moromi miso and "kyu" of cucumber.Morokyu is a very simple name.Morokyu is easy to make regardless of the season.

【書道 お手本】 Pork belly and cheese 豚バラチーズ 

お品書き 筆文字 It is seasoned with soy sauce and mirinThe rich cheese and pork belly.The texture of the cheese and the pork belly will make your sake go down a treat.醤油とみりんで味付けされていて濃厚なチーズと豚バラ肉の食感でお酒が進みます。

筆文字 フォント Shishito Tenten Skewer シシ唐天串 

Shishito is characterized by its bright green color and bittersweet flavor.Shishito, a non-spicy red pepper.鮮やかな緑色とほろ苦い風味が特徴のししとう。辛くない唐辛子「ししとう」。これを串に刺して揚げた天ぷらです。

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In Japanese restaurants, you will often see "teishoku" in the name of the main dish, such as "yakiawase teishoku" (grilled fish set meal).Teishoku" is the name given to the main side dish, such as "Yakizo Teishoku" (grilled fish set meal).

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You can get free images of works by Japanese calligraphers (kirimojiya).This is a special gift for Japan lovers and Japanese sushi bar owners.

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【書道 見本】ダチョウ だちょう Roasted whole ostrich Download free “SHODO”

Japanese Ostrich Outer Thigh meat is not very familiar in Japanese households.It is served as a special menu item at izakaya (Japanese-style pubs) and is seasoned in a Japanese style.We hope that cool New Yorkers will try this dish.

【筆文字 書き方】ポテトサラダ potato salad

Potato salad is a salad in which boiled potatoes are the main ingredient.Boil potatoes, add ham, onions, and cucumbers,seasoned with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.It is sometimes abbreviated as "potato salad.筆文字 素材

Standard Japanese Izakaya menu 日本の居酒屋の定番メニュー SHODO

I would love to see cool New Yorkers try it! Standard Japanese Izakaya menuIf you go to an izakaya in Japan, order from this classic menu!This is a very popular menu in Japan!When Japanese people get drunk, they go to about three izakaya (Japanese style pubs).To visit various izakaya is called "Hashigo".

筆文字 キムチ kimuti Korean Kimchi

Kimchi is vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, salt, chili peppers, and salted seafood,garlic, and other main ingredients.It is a big staple in Japanese izakaya (Japanese style pub) menus.